This week, while chatting with some very lovely ladies from, someone brought up that it seems as if us ladies who are TTC are always wishing the time away. And it’s true. There is always that waiting game. Waiting for AF to end. Waiting to “O”. The two week wait. Waiting to POAS (pee on a stick for those TTC newbies). Waiting for AF to come so you can get on with the next cycle. I am so guilty of this!
Take right now for example. I mentioned in my last post that we are patiently waiting for AF to end to get cycle #2 started. Soon after, I see myself yearning for the days of fertile CM, positive OPKs and rising temps. After that it is a whole ‘nother waiting game, depending on what your temps are. In my defense, I am ALWAYS like this. Always waiting for Thursdays, when I can work from home, then waiting for the weekend, waiting for something exciting planned, waiting for vacay, waiting for the holidays. You get the point.
One day, I am going to look back at these times and wish that I didn’t wish the time away. When we are finally blessed with a child, there will be times we miss our old life. Life that doesn’t include baby-sitters, daycare drop-offs and pick-ups, weekends spent chauffeuring the kiddos around to baseball games and dance lessons, etc.
I’ve come to realize that now is truly a time to cherish on our lives. We are comfortable in our skins, secure in our marriage while still be newlyweds, our only responsibilities are to each other (and of course, work, paying the bills, etc.). While sometimes stressful, TTC is very exciting. We giddily talk about our future children – what we are going to name them, all of the activities we want to do with them, what vacations we want to take them one. We discuss how we will tell our families that we are expecting. What emotions we may feel when we first see those two pink lines on a pregnancy test. The first time we see their little heartbeat on the ultrasound.
I know I may be getting a little ahead of ourselves, but being excited and day-dreaming makes this process more special and something that we will try our very best to cherish and enjoy.
Hello world!
1 year ago
I think about this too. Wishing life away in two week windows. I want to say that I'm not going to do this - but here I sit at 3 DPO and I'm DYING to get closer to testable.
ReplyDeleteI feel ya, sweetie! I think it can be true for a number of different situations though. Always wishing for summer, for a vacay, etc. It's hard not to. I'm trying to not wish the time away, but I'm in the same boat - wishing for AF to get outta dodge, lol
ReplyDeleteHey I just found your blog and I'm really enjoying it so far! Keep it coming and good luck w/ TTC!
I just found your blog on another one I follow. :)
ReplyDeleteHang in there. You WILL get your bfp!
Thanks Jess and Jennypooh!