I've decided to implement Thankful Thursdays! I've seen this done on various other blogs and I LOVE the idea. There are WAY too many things that I take for granted and I know I do my share of bitching and moaning about stupid, inane things. So, every Thursday I will be taking a moment to reflect and I will name 5 things that I am thankful for. Feel free to participate as well!
- I think it goes without saying that I am thankful for Dave. His ability to make me laught or cheer me up when I've had a bad day, or even if I'm just in a blah mood, is one of the things I love most about him.
- I am thankful for the thunderstorms that should be rolling in overnight tonight. I LOVE thunderstorms, especially in the spring/summer. Oh, and it is a free car wash!
- I am thankful that my cousin's little boy's surgery went very well and hope he was a speedy recovery! Poor little guy :(
- I am thankful for being able to work from home one day a week.
- I am thankful for the Blackhawks, who lead the Canucks 2-1 in the second round of the playoffs. Let's bring it back to the UC being up 3-1, boys!
What are you thankful for this Thursday?
I'm thankful for a supportive DH, who understands how badly I want my own snuggly little monkey!