First off, I want to say Happy Mother's Day to all the mommies out there, whether you are an experienced mom, a first-time mom, or a mommy-to-be :)
Dave and I had a busy day yesterday, celebrating with my mom first for lunch and then going by his mom's afterwards. We actually stuffed our faces for lunch, so we didn't eat with his family, but we still spent some quality-time playing board games! For the record, I'm not a huge fan of board games, especially with ultra-competitive people. To me, playing games should be fun, not a time to bitch, moan, be a sore loser, etc. ::cough, BIL, cough::
I'd be lying if I said that I wasn't at all feeling down about yesterday. Obviously, Mother's Day is a painful reminder that I am not a mommy. Especially when someone wishes you a Happy Mother's Day. Um...err....this isn't Thanksgiving where you wish anybody and everybody Happy Thanksgiving. This is Mother's Day, where mothers are celebrated. Wishing someone a Happy Mother's Day who isn't a mother, but yearns to be, is a At least that is what it feels like. And I know that it wasn't intentional, but it's hard to not at least get a little upset. I just wish that people actually thought about what they were going to say before spewing it into the universe.
And I know. We just started trying and there are a ton of people that have been trying for far longer than we have been, but I've been ready for almost a year already. And to be honest, I wasn't the best at remembering to take my BCP, so it feels like we have been trying for a LOT longer than we have.
And with that I'm going to stop ranting and /vent. I've given myself permission to throw a mini pity party and I am done now :)
Hopefully next Mother's Day will be MUCH better!
Hello world!
1 year ago
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