I really can't believe that I am already 13 weeks! In the beginning, the waiting seemed like agony. Waiting for the first doctor's appointment, waiting for the first ultrasound or the first time hearing the heartbeat. Now, its a different kind of waiting. Waiting to look noticeably pregnant. Waiting to find out the sex of the baby. But, it isn't that bad! I'm excited to be (almost) out of the first trimester!
I've decided to skip my 12 week update, since I am 13 weeks. So, here I am at 13 weeks!
Please excuse the crappy work bathroom picture. And my hair. Daylight Savings Time really kicked my ass this week.
Please excuse the crappy work bathroom picture. And my hair. Daylight Savings Time really kicked my ass this week.

How far along? 13 weeks
Weight gain/loss: As of yesterday morning, I am down a little over 8 pounds.
Maternity clothes? Sometimes. I gave in to some maternity jeans and a pair of maternity work pants with a couple of shirts. I really need to get more because a lot of my tops are a little too short and maternity pants are way more comfy!
Stretch marks? Only old ones. I'm doomed though. I know I'm going to have a ton :(
Sleep? Pretty good. Still waking up once to pee though.
Best moment this week? Getting our NT Scan results! We are very low risk, so I am very relieved.
Food cravings: Very random and usually it is something that I can't get my hands on at that point!
Gender: I've gone back and forth between thinking it is a girl and a boy. We'll hopefully find out at the end of April!
Belly button in or out? In
Movement? None yet. I'm thinking it will be awhile before I start to feel anything.
What I miss? Being able to have more than 1 or 2 bites of my food before getting so full I feel I could burst!
What I'm looking forward to: Our next appointment on April 5 :)
Milestones: Finally out of the first trimester! (Well to some people. I'm officially moving on to second tri at 13w3d)
You look great! Can't believe you're almost in 2nd tri!