Tuesday, March 22, 2011

14 weeks

So, I am officially in the 2nd tri now! Most of my symptoms from the first trimester are gone, except for my face looking like a 14 year-old going through puberty, but what are you going to do. I've been getting some pretty intense RLP when I sneeze while laying down and when I haven't had enough water. I've also been experiencing some lovely sciatic pain, so I have to start looking for a body pillow or get a Snoogle. Any suggestions??

And without further ado, here is my 14 week belly pic. I don't think I look as big as I did last week, as much of this is still bloat, but my belly is getting harder.

How far along? 14 weeks

Weight gain/loss: Still down 8 pounds from pre-pregnancy weight

Maternity clothes? Sometimes. I finally went to Destination Maternity after trips to Target were just OK. Target has some cute, cheap maternity clothes, but their selection in-store isn't that great. I didn't find a ton of stuff at Motherhood Maternity, but I did get a few tops and a pair of skinny jeans that I love!

Stretch marks? Only old ones. I'm doomed though. I know I'm going to have a ton :(
Sleep? Over the weekend, I actually got some good rest! I didn't get up to pee in the middle of the night and was refreshed when I woke up. Then, Sunday night came when I was up every 15 minutes. And then last night, I woke up to a pretty nasty headache at 2 am :(
Best moment this week? Finally convincing Dave into getting a gender determination ultrasound at an elective place. We plan on bringing our moms :)
Food cravings: Very random and usually it is something that I can't get my hands on at that point!

Gender: Still don't have a strong feeling either way. I have had 2 dreams and I had a boy in one and a girl in the other, so who knows!

Belly button in or out? In

Movement? None yet. I'm thinking it will be awhile before I start to feel anything.

What I miss? Vodka. I didn't think I would miss alcohol at all, but I really wanted a Bomb Pop shot while out watching the NCAA Tournament on Friday.
What I'm looking forward to: Our next appointment on April 5 :)

Milestones: Finally in 2nd tri!

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