After last cycle, I really thought that this cycle would be different. That maybe the Provera would jump-start my period AND kick my ovaries in gear. Alas, it wasn't meant to be :(
It is currently CD55. Fertility Friend gave my cross-hairs (dotted, not solid) for CD30, but I don't believe it. Although, our timing would have been perfect, LOL. I am going to switch to temping vaginally next cycle and keep up with the green tea, but I'm not going to hold my breath.
This is starting to get depressing and I know it is all my fault. I really think that if I could just lose some weight, my periods would get back to normal and hopefully ovulate again. I am at the heaviest I have ever been and have begun to hate my body. I was so excited to buy all new clothes and then realized that I was buying them in a bigger size and I got even more depressed.
But it is very difficult, especially when the diets that used to work don't anymore. I don't know what to do. I've tried Atkins (which worked very well for me in the past) and nada. I tried Weight Watchers and just got so depressed after weighing in and barely losing a pound all week, when the weight was melting off everyone else. I thought about going on Nutrisystem, but really don't have the $$ to spend.
So, I'm at a loss as to what to do now. I am supposed to go to the doc at the end of next month if I am not pregnant, so I'll most likely be looking for, at the very least, an endocrinologist. I'm hoping to find a PCOS-friendly doc that will help in treating the PCOS (which the weight gain/difficulty to lose is a part of).
Any PCOS-ers out there have any ideas? Did Metformin help?
Hello world!
1 year ago
Hey love,
ReplyDeleteDid you ever get your thyroid levels checked again? <3
Hey, I don't really have any suggestions, but I feel your pain. I've done WW before and had great success and now I can't drop an ounce. If you ever need a little encouragement, or someone to talk, I'll be here!
ReplyDeleteThanks Tracey! I'm just feeling very sorry for myself these days :( I did sign up for and once I can get to the grocery store, I'll be able to start bringing my lunch more and try some new recipes!
ReplyDeleteMissy, I did just get my thyroid levels checked a couple of weeks ago. In December, it was 2.11 and now it is 2.65, which the doc says is normal of course. I need to look for an endocrinologist, but I'm not sure if I should just go see an RE. I just want to get my PCOS treated! We aren't ready to start Clomid or other options, but I'm not sure if an endo will treat my PCOS. Argh!
Hey - I was diagnosed with a slight form of PCOS in April and began taking Met at the end of May. It hasn't been a whole month yet, but I can definetly see the effects already. Check out my chart on the bump (kellinc1). My temps are so much closer together now. Woo Hoo! I have also noticed that my appetite is not nearly as strong. Sometimes I can't even finish my dinner without being entirely full (which never used to happen). I would definetely find a doc that will allow you to try the Met before going on Clomid. I have heard of so many people going on Met, losing 20 lbs, and BAM getting pregnant. It's still too early for me to tell if my cycles are going to be regulated from the Met, but here's to hoping. Sorry so long! Just wanted to give you my experience. GL!