After last cycle, I really thought that this cycle would be different. That maybe the Provera would jump-start my period AND kick my ovaries in gear. Alas, it wasn't meant to be :(
It is currently CD55. Fertility Friend gave my cross-hairs (dotted, not solid) for CD30, but I don't believe it. Although, our timing would have been perfect, LOL. I am going to switch to temping vaginally next cycle and keep up with the green tea, but I'm not going to hold my breath.
This is starting to get depressing and I know it is all my fault. I really think that if I could just lose some weight, my periods would get back to normal and hopefully ovulate again. I am at the heaviest I have ever been and have begun to hate my body. I was so excited to buy all new clothes and then realized that I was buying them in a bigger size and I got even more depressed.
But it is very difficult, especially when the diets that used to work don't anymore. I don't know what to do. I've tried Atkins (which worked very well for me in the past) and nada. I tried Weight Watchers and just got so depressed after weighing in and barely losing a pound all week, when the weight was melting off everyone else. I thought about going on Nutrisystem, but really don't have the $$ to spend.
So, I'm at a loss as to what to do now. I am supposed to go to the doc at the end of next month if I am not pregnant, so I'll most likely be looking for, at the very least, an endocrinologist. I'm hoping to find a PCOS-friendly doc that will help in treating the PCOS (which the weight gain/difficulty to lose is a part of).
Any PCOS-ers out there have any ideas? Did Metformin help?
Hello world!
1 year ago