Are you ready? Ready for what will surely be a rollercoaster ride of emotions, hormones and sex? Yeah? 'Cuz I sure am! But, I'm scared. Scared shitless, in fact. Hmmm, maybe I should invest in some Depends. Just kidding :) Sort of.
Maybe I should start at the beginning, no?
I'm ErmaDerma. Well, my real name is Erin. How I became ErmaDerma is a story for another post :) I'm 27 and have been married to my sexy husband, Dave, for a year and a half now. We've been together for 13 years, but again, that's a story for another post :)

After being married for just 2 short months, I thought I was pregnant. I had been extremely tired, to the point of going to bed at 7:30 every night for a week, and well we were newlyweds. We had been having sex, duh. But I was on the pill, right? No way I could be pregnant. That's what I thought until 2 harmless comments on Facebook turned me into an obsessed woman. I got it through my thick skull that I could actually be pregnant. And I was terrified. Elated, but terrified. We were only married a couple of months. My company had just down some considerable downsizing and nothing was guaranteed. This was a HORRIBLE time to get pg, right?
The more I thought about it, the more I realized I wanted to be pregnant. I wanted to be a mommy. I had the fever. Erin's got the fever, people! (That was just one of the probably many quotes to come from Bring It On. Yes, I'm a nerd. I like that movie. But, I digress.
Dave, on the other hand, wasn't ready. He wanted a different job, wanted to be more financially secure, etc. So when it turned out I wasn't pregnant, he was relieved. I, on the hand, was a little sad. I knew it wasn't the right time to have a baby, but when is? I quickly got over it though. We agreed to wait until Dave found a different job. Life went on....
Until June 2009 when I was diagnosed with PCOS. PCOS is a bitch of a "syndrome" that is highly confusing, but is the leading cause of infertility in women. THE LEADING CAUSE OF INFERTILITY. This is because, most likely, women with PCOS don't ovulate. Um, that's kind of ESSENTIAL TO CONCEIVE. You need sperm and an egg. If I don't ovulate, where the hell do I get that egg, hmm?? Needless to say, I had a mini-breakdown. Still, we weren't ready to try to conceive just yet.
Long story short, we are ready NOW. I stopped taking my birth control, read Taking Charge of Your Fertility, which is an AWESOME book. Seriously, they should teach all girls this stuff in health class. I then signed up on, armed with my BBT and started charting. After a cycle from hell that lasted 70 days and had to be ended with Provera, we are on our way to cycle 2! Hopefully this cycle is MUCH shorter than last. I'm not sure if I ovulated at all last cycle, so I ordered some cheap OPKs and will start to record my CM more consistently.
I am fully aware that this could be a very long road, but we are ready!
So, Sit Back, Relax and Strap it Down!
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